“Truly this man was the Son of God!”
Mark 15:39
Who is this Jesus;
the one you call the Christ?
He works such glorious wonders as we’ve never seen before.
He claims to be the Son of Man who was prophesied of old.
Can it be
that He
is the one we’re waiting for?
Who are you, Jesus?
How can you say such things?
You say the holy temple shall be torn down to the ground!
Such blasphemy you speak when the I AM you claim to be!
On a tree
you’ll be
when shall guilty you be found!
Look at this Jesus;
He claimed to be the Christ!
This carpenter now hangs by nails upon a plank of wood!
A crown of thorns upon His head, for He thought Himself a king.
Let Him hang
in pain
as Jehovah knows He should!
Who is this Jesus,
if not the Son of God?
The dead arise and walk the earth as He gives His last breath.
The ground is quaking, and the veil of the temple’s torn in two.
Now the Lord
of life
has been given unto death.
Where are you, Jesus?
Your body can’t be found.
They say that you have risen from the dead to die no more.
The witnesses abundant tell of their resurrected King.
So it must
be true:
You are surely God the Lord!
Who am I, Jesus
unless I live for You?
For I was one among the lost who nailed you to that tree!
I need the saving power of Your blood that You have shed.
I must be
so with You I can be free!
Andrew J. Robison V