No matter who you are, where you’re from, or what you do for a living, you have experienced rejection.
Tag: jesus

Persecution, Perseverance, and Peace
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Matthew 5:10-12

God Always Provides
When we put God first and learn to be content with what we have, peace and joy abound far more than anything else.

Choose Joy
Choosing joy does not mean you forget the wrong that is happening around you. Choosing joy means that we clothe ourselves differently than the world around us. When we choose joy in the face of trials, the world sees us and asks how we can be joyful in such times. When we choose joy instead of arrogance, the world sees a servant willing to help instead of a self-righteous church-goer. When we choose joy over earthly desires, the world sees someone who is joyful and content without vices.

Who Is This Jesus?
“Truly this man was the Son of God!” Mark 15:39 Who is this Jesus;the one you call the Christ?He works such glorious wonders as we’ve never seen before.He claims to be the Son of Man who was prophesied of old.Can it bethat Heis the one we’re waiting for? Who are…

Put God First
We may not realize that we have idols, but the world does. The people in your sphere of influence will see where your loyalty really lies. Even people who do not know you at all can see when you are choosing to put something before the God you claim to serve.

The Love of Christ
You cannot claim to love anyone if you are willing to let them live in sin.

The Great Playground
Do you remember your old school playground? Maybe there was a great jungle gym at a park in your town. As a kid, there’s something special about going to a big playground. I remember one in my hometown that was like a big castle. It had many wooden bridges, towers,…

The Woman Caught in Adultery
They have made their choice to step away from God. You must make your choice to step closer to Him. It is hard. We must choose God over everything else.

Whitewashed Tombs
We are not perfect. We do not have it all together. We have good days and bad days. We have addictions. Our kids are not always well-behaved. Our thoughts are not always on Christ. Our houses are not always clean. We want more things, more money, more time. We spend too much. We don’t pray enough. We make mistakes. So why do we try to fool others into thinking that the above statements are false? We are not fooling God.