I have a major life announcement to share: In August of 2025, I will be attending the West Virginia School of Preaching in Moundsville, West Virginia!
This has been a big decision that has come with weeks of discussion, thought, and prayer. Here is a bit of the story:
I grew up in West Virginia where my father, Andrew J Robison was a preacher. I went to West Virginia Christian Youth Camp and often did campfire talks. I went to the Future Preacher Training Camps at Alkire Road church of Christ and the West Virginia School of Preaching. I preached every now and then when I was asked, but after a while I started to feel like it wasn’t for me. “That’s what dad does,” I’d say.
Then I went to Harding to study Music, then Computer Science as well. I met my wife, Kaylynn Robison. I ultimately got my current job at Harding as a Web Developer; a job I thoroughly enjoy.
I have never thought myself far from God, but for the past few years I have realized that I have not been running toward Him like I should. I have been on a journey the past year or so of returning to who God has called me to be. I have been studying His word so much more, consuming great resources from members of the church, and desiring to tell others about Him in any way I can (thus all my recent posting here sharing my thoughts).
As of a few months ago I started to realize that I have been running from what I truly believe has been God’s call for me to preach. I desire to attend the school to increase my knowledge of His word, hone my skills as a preacher, and learn at the feet of so many great ministers for God. It brings me so much joy to finally be running toward what I feel God is calling me to do.
I want to specifically thank D.j. Kessinger, for talking with me on the deck of the staff building until the wee hours of the morning, helping me understand the importance of this call.
Obviously, I want to thank Dad, who talked with me a lot and helped me make this decision as well.
Finally, I want to thank my amazing wife for talking to me the most about this. When I really started realizing this might be my decision, I texted a few friends asking them to “talk me out of this.” I didn’t really want them to talk me out of it; I just wanted them to ask me the hard questions. They were all so nice and said they couldn’t talk someone out of it. Kaylynn was not afraid to ask the hard questions though, and that is why I love her. She helped me the most in this decision, and I’m so thankful that she is in this with me. I couldn’t do anything without her.
So thank you for reading all this. If you read this, I love you and I hope you’ll join me as we all try to serve our God to the best of our ability. I would also be incredibly grateful for your prayers as we prepare throughout this year.
The verses below were helpful to me in understanding how I feel about this call to preach the word.
‘If I say, “I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name,” there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot. ‘
– Jeremiah 20:9
‘For if I preach the gospel, that gives me no ground for boasting. For necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!’
– I Corinthians 9:16 (Thank you, John Keith )
‘And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” ‘
– Isaiah 6:8