Every story has a beginning, middle, and end. Many good stories have three major “acts” in the middle. Ours does too. God created humans for the same reason humans bear children, make friends, or even own a pet–He desired to love and be loved. Before He made us, however, He…
Tag: Holy Spirit

The Righteous Judge: Romans 2
Introduction Remember back to the text that came just before this chapter division. Paul gave us a look at the depravity of those who choose not to follow God and the wrath that will come upon all sinners. Chapter 2 continues from that discussion right into an important admonition to…

When We Forget God: Romans 1:18-32
Introduction All of Romans is a discussion about the gift, power, and need of the Gospel (or, “good news”) of Jesus Christ. The good news is summed up in three truths: Christ died for our sins, He was buried, and He rose again three days later. It is in these…

Gospel Power: Romans 1:8-17
Paul’s Passion to Preach (1:8-15) Paul expresses his love to the Christians in Rome in four key ways in this passage with four statements. We will examine this text by looking at each one. “I Thank God for You” Paul tended to open with statements of thanks to God for…

Nothing New Under the Sun INTRODUCTION
This world and its people never change. Yes, the way things look may change, but everything is as it has always been—at its core. Solomon had this to say: That which has been is what will be,That which is done is what will be done,And there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of…

On a Hymn: God Reigns Over the Nations
Listen to “God Reigns Over the Nations” here: God reigns over the nations;God sits on His holy throne. Psalm 47:8 Daniel 2 records the prophet interpreting a prophetic dream of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, a dream predicting four successive kingdoms. History would record these as the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian, and…

On a Hymn: Make Me Like the Moon
About six years ago, I wrote a hymn entitled, “Make Me Like the Moon.” In this first “On a Hymn” post, I will talk about a bit of the story and meaning behind this hymn. First, you can listen to a recording of this song from the singers on the…
A Study Through: 1 Thessalonians: Chapter 1
For this study, we will follow five steps: Read the chapter through Pick a key verse for the chapter Summarize and discuss each verse Apply it to our lives Pray specific things from what we learned I will be using the New King James Version in this study. First, we…

Preachers’ Page: Life is in the Blood
Leviticus is a much-maligned and often-ignored book of the Old Testament. It has been jokingly said that Leviticus is where yearly reading plans go to die. Leviticus can be a tedious read, but a good Bible student will patiently study from it. The Bible student who does study Leviticus will…

Christmas Eve 1968
Then, after all the horrifying events of the year, the space program accomplishes the unimaginable: Apollo 8 sends three astronauts to orbit the Moon. The mission is a success and the largest world audience to that day was watching and listening as those three men marveled at the sight of…