Introduction Remember back to the text that came just before this chapter division. Paul gave us a look at the depravity of those who choose not to follow God and the wrath that will come upon all sinners. Chapter 2 continues from that discussion right into an important admonition to…
Category: A Study Through

When We Forget God: Romans 1:18-32
Introduction All of Romans is a discussion about the gift, power, and need of the Gospel (or, “good news”) of Jesus Christ. The good news is summed up in three truths: Christ died for our sins, He was buried, and He rose again three days later. It is in these…

Gospel Power: Romans 1:8-17
Paul’s Passion to Preach (1:8-15) Paul expresses his love to the Christians in Rome in four key ways in this passage with four statements. We will examine this text by looking at each one. “I Thank God for You” Paul tended to open with statements of thanks to God for…
A Study Through: 1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5
Welcome back once again to our study on 1 Thessalonians. We are now ready for chapter 5. This chapter may not be made up of as many words as some, but it is packed full of information and lessons we can learn. So, it should go without saying that this…
A Study Through: 1 Thessalonians: Chapter 4
Welcome back to our study on 1 Thessalonians! This is the study for chapter 4, so if you haven’t read the first three, be sure to check those out on this site! Here is a reminder of the five steps we are using for this study: Read the chapter through…
A Study Through: 1 Thessalonians: Chapter 3
Welcome back! This is our study of chapter 3, so if you missed 1 or 2, be sure to go back and check those out! Once again, here are the five steps we are using for this study: Read the chapter through Pick a key verse for the chapter Summarize…
A Study Through: 1 Thessalonians: Chapter 2
This is the second part of the “A Study Through” series on the First Letter to the Thessalonians. If you missed the study on chapter one, click here: Remember that for this study, we will follow these five steps: Read the chapter through Pick a key verse for the chapter…
A Study Through: 1 Thessalonians: Chapter 1
For this study, we will follow five steps: Read the chapter through Pick a key verse for the chapter Summarize and discuss each verse Apply it to our lives Pray specific things from what we learned I will be using the New King James Version in this study. First, we…