We may not realize that we have idols, but the world does. The people in your sphere of influence will see where your loyalty really lies. Even people who do not know you at all can see when you are choosing to put something before the God you claim to serve.
Category: Guest Writers

The Love of Christ
You cannot claim to love anyone if you are willing to let them live in sin.

The Woman Caught in Adultery
They have made their choice to step away from God. You must make your choice to step closer to Him. It is hard. We must choose God over everything else.

Whitewashed Tombs
We are not perfect. We do not have it all together. We have good days and bad days. We have addictions. Our kids are not always well-behaved. Our thoughts are not always on Christ. Our houses are not always clean. We want more things, more money, more time. We spend too much. We don’t pray enough. We make mistakes. So why do we try to fool others into thinking that the above statements are false? We are not fooling God.

Preachers’ Page: Life is in the Blood
Leviticus is a much-maligned and often-ignored book of the Old Testament. It has been jokingly said that Leviticus is where yearly reading plans go to die. Leviticus can be a tedious read, but a good Bible student will patiently study from it. The Bible student who does study Leviticus will…
Preachers’ Page: The Existence of God and the Faith of the Believer
“No one has seen God at any time” (1 John 4:12). In the physical universe God is invisible (Romans 1:20; Colossians 1:15; 1 Timothy 1:17; Hebrews 11:27). And even in the spiritual sense God is not always seen by believers (Matthew 5:8; John 14:7-9). So when it comes to the…
Preachers’ Page: How to Answer Every Call for Help
The principle “be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16) applies to us, too. Every encounter we have in life is not spelled out in Scripture, but we must display the fruits of wisdom (James 3:17, 18; Matthew 5:9). The wisdom for how to answer every situation is…

Preachers’ Page: Truth Can Hurt, but Truth Wins
So, Christians seek for truth to be known. Truth is what sets people free from sin. Jesus is Truth (John 14:6). Truth allows people’s lives to be abundant (John 10:10) and fruitful (Rom. 6:22). Truth separates the religion of Christ from all impostors (2 Tim. 4:2-5). People will want to…