We are not perfect. We do not have it all together. We have good days and bad days. We have addictions. Our kids are not always well-behaved. Our thoughts are not always on Christ. Our houses are not always clean. We want more things, more money, more time. We spend too much. We don’t pray enough. We make mistakes. So why do we try to fool others into thinking that the above statements are false? We are not fooling God.
Month: June 2023
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God Is
God is, God was, and God will always be. God is, God was, and God is calling me. – Before He said, “Let there be light,” He had a plan for me. Before He made the world just right, He had a plan for me. Before He made the beasts…
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Anointed, appointed a holy priesthood, His servants forever to offer our praise. For Jesus, our Savior was slain upon the cross So that all who will follow Him Have assurance of faith in His promise for us. – Anointed, appointed a holy priesthood, His servants forever to offer our praise….