You cannot claim to love anyone if you are willing to let them live in sin.
Tag: sin

The Woman Caught in Adultery
They have made their choice to step away from God. You must make your choice to step closer to Him. It is hard. We must choose God over everything else.

The Righteous Judge: Romans 2
Introduction Remember back to the text that came just before this chapter division. Paul gave us a look at the depravity of those who choose not to follow God and the wrath that will come upon all sinners. Chapter 2 continues from that discussion right into an important admonition to…

Nothing New Under the Sun INTRODUCTION
This world and its people never change. Yes, the way things look may change, but everything is as it has always been—at its core. Solomon had this to say: That which has been is what will be,That which is done is what will be done,And there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of…